AWE Stores is the place to find and manage hundreds of stores, services and brands from all over the world with exclusive store offers.
AWE Stores is a third-party platform that offers store-exclusive deals. We are not an affiliate of the recommended merchants on the site. After clicking Buy Now, you will be taken to the merchant's checkout page to complete the transaction. If you need assistance regarding your purchase (need to return an item, report a defective item, etc.), you must contact the merchant directly. Please check your receipt, confirmation email, or package label to determine the retailer you purchased from and then contact that merchant directly.
Answers to frequently asked questions about AWE Stores can be found by clicking on the links below:
- Does AWE Stores cost me anything?
- How do I use a discount code?
- Can I contact AWE Stores customer service about my purchase?
- If I buy something from a store, what are my payment options?
- I have questions about payment or shipping. Who should I call?
Does AWE Stores cost me anything?
AWE Stores is a completely free service - we won't charge you a penny when you search our site and use the exclusive discounts on our platform.
How do I use a discount code?
When you order a product online, the platform will provide you with an exclusive discount code that you can automatically use to purchase the item when you click the Buy button at checkout.
Can I contact AWE Stores customer service about my purchase?
NO. Although AWE Stores provides you with an exclusive discount code for your purchase, we do not participate in the checkout process of the corresponding store. If you have any questions about any product or service, you must contact the corresponding store directly.
If I buy something from a store, what are my payment options?
Since AWE Stores is not involved in processing any transactions, any payment terms come directly from the third-party merchant and will therefore vary from merchant to merchant. Most online merchants accept credit cards (VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover) or PayPal.
I have questions about payment or shipping. Who should I call?
If you have any questions about your order, payment or shipping, please contact the merchant directly. Please check your receipt, confirmation email, or package label to determine which store you purchased from and then contact that merchant directly.