2 ratings
This a great keyboard for those who love the Gamecube. It has so much great customization features that it just can't be beaten. While it is a bit pricey compared to other keyboards with similar features, I'd say it's more than well worth it.
I just got this keyboard in and man! For this thing to be around the $100 mark is incredible. Albeit this won't be for someone that wants a super plan look lol very gamer driven, especially with the DOT screen in the right hand corner and the writing across the top. But the sound? Awesome. If you want something that's semi clacky with a thocc, this is a VERY good mix. And again, with it being a pre-built, it sounds amazing. I haven't done any mods to it yet and probably won't! If you're thinking about this thing, get it. I've only seen one review on YouTube but I can for sure say that I'm glad I got it. You will NOT be disappointed!